Factors Effecting Customers Satisfaction on Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited

Md. Touhidul Islam Summary of this paper: Common CSR practices in Bangladesh by different banks are centered on mainly poverty alle...

Md. Touhidul Islam

Summary of this paper: Common CSR practices in Bangladesh by different banks are centered on mainly poverty alleviation, healthcare, education, charity activities, cultural enrichment, youth development, women empowerment, patronizing sports and music etc. It is found in the study that CSR investments as percentage of total investment of the respective banks have been very meager during the study period. But, it is the demand of the age that more and more investments need to be made in all the organizations especially in the banks, the service rendering industry for the fulfillment of CSR of the organization. It is a matter of thinking that banks. As a third world country Bangladesh has lot of problems. Government often find themselves helpless when it comes to solving of these problems. As banking sectors of our country are considered as a part of the affluent section of the society they can contribute more meaningfully towards of the betterment of the society.

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Experience with Global Journals

I am very much happy to publish my two research paper from the Journal of “Global Journal of Management and Business Research”. Links of my two Papers are:


It was very helpful to my Research life. It was a new experience of my life. They were more collaborative and cordial to me to publish my papers. I have taken 1 year to conduct my papers successfully. My institutional Assistant professor also helps me to conduct my papers but I do not get financial support from my institution. My co-author also helps me to conduct it.
Title of 1st Paper was “Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction on Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited”. The 1st Research paper will help the company to measure the present level of customer satisfaction and loyalty in Berger paints. This research investigates the factors that affect the level of customer satisfaction among the users, and what are the different influencing them.
The title of 2nd research paper was “Effectiveness of Push (SMS) Service: A Study on Grameenphone and Airtel Subscribers of Bangladesh.” The findings of this study necessitate the ways for Airtel as well as GP to adopt customer-centric strategic approach through competitive offerings & quality services to enhance the customer attractiveness towards push SMS and improve the effectiveness of push service. The study will contribute significantly regarding the policy making of the business professionals, advertising professionals as well as Telecommunications Company (especially GP & Airtel) in selecting, evaluating and establishing the proper SMS marketing and push service methods.
My 3rd Paper was published from the Journal of “Asian Business Review”
Paper link: journals.abc.us.org/index.php/abr/article/download/780/574

Objective of the Paper

  • To find out the major areas where CSR activities are performing by nationalized and private banks.
  • To compare the contribution of CSR activities of nationalized and private banks.
  • To suggest some possible modest measure to the authority concerned to perform CSR.
  • To identify the differences between the perception level of bankers’ and people relating to CSR activities with nationalized and private banks of specific data.
My 4th one is going to be published in the Journal of “Journal of Marketing”. The title is “Appraising the Effectiveness of Product & Services Quality: A Study on Grameenphone Subscribers, Bangladesh.” within very short time. I am hope that Global Journal of Management and Business Research will be with me in future for my future work.
Md. Touhidul Islam.
Pabna University of Science & Technology
Department of BusinessAdministration.
Email: [email protected]

Research articles:
Published by Global Journals

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Global Journals | Business Innovations & Stories Blog: Factors Effecting Customers Satisfaction on Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited
Factors Effecting Customers Satisfaction on Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited
Global Journals | Business Innovations & Stories Blog
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